Export of bathyal benthos to the Atlantic through the Mediterranean outflow: Sponges from the mud volcanoes of the Gulf of Cadiz as a case study

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REFERENCE Sitjà, Cèlia; Maldonado, manuel, Farias, Carlos, Rueda, José L (2020). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2020.103326. ABSTRACT The Mediterranean is a semi-enclosed sea, with a narrow natural connection —the Strait of Gibraltar— through its western basin … Read More

Evidence of Vent-Adaptation in Sponges Living at the Periphery of Hydrothermal Vent Environments: Ecological and Evolutionary Implications

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REFERENCE Georgieva, Magdalena; Taboada, Sergi; Riesgo, Ana; Díez-Vives, Cristina; De Leo, Fabio; Jeffreys, Rachel M; Copley, Jonathan T; Little, Crispin TS; Ríos, Pilar; Cristobo, Javier; Hestetun, Jon T; Glover, Adrian G (2020). Frontiers in Microbiologyhttps://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.01636. ABSTRACT The peripheral areas of … Read More

The Molecular Machinery of Gametogenesis in Geodia Demosponges (Porifera): Evolutionary Origins of a Conserved Toolkit across Animals

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REFERENCE Koutsouveli, Vasiliki; Cárdenas Paco; Santodomingo Nadiezhda; Marina Anabel; Morato Esperanza;  Rapp Hans Tore; Riesgo Ana (2020). Molecular Biology and Evolution https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msaa183. ABSTRACT All animals are capable of undergoing gametogenesis. The ability of forming haploid cells from diploid cells through meiosis … Read More

New paper in Science Advances sheds light on biosilicification in sponges

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The new paper led by our team member Manuel Maldonado (and collaborators the Bedford Institute of Oceanography and the London Museum of Natural History) describes how the cooperation between passive and active silicon transporters clarifies the ecophysiology and evolution of … Read More

On giant shoulders: how a seamount affects the microbial community composition of seawater and sponges

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REFERENCE Busch, Kathrin; Hanz, Ulrike; Mienis, Furu; Mueller, Benjamin; Franke, Andre; Roberts, Emyr Martyn; Rapp, Hans Tore; Hentschel, Ute (2020). Biogeosciences https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-3471-2020. ABSTRACT Seamounts represent ideal systems to study the influence and interdependency of environmental gradients at a single geographic … Read More

Climate change considerations are fundamental to management of deep‐sea resource extraction

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REFERENCE Levin, LA; Wei, C-L; Dunn, DC; Amon, DJ; Ashford, OS; Cheung, WWL; Colaco, A; Dominguez-Carrió, C; Escobar, EG; Harden-Davies, HR; Drazen, JC; Ismail, K; Jones, DOB; Johnson, DE; Le, JT; Lejzerowicz, F; Mitarai, S; Morato, T; Mulsow, S; Snelgrove, … Read More

Drivers of Megabenthic Community Structure in One of the World’s Deepest Silled-Fjords, Sognefjord (Western Norway)

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REFERENCE Meyer, Heidi K; Roberts, Emyr M; Mienis, Furu; Rapp, Hans Tore (2020). Frontiers in Marine Science https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.00393. ABSTRACT The Sognefjord is the longest (205 km) and deepest (1308 m) fjord in Norway, and the second-longest in the world. Coast-fjord … Read More

Technical measures and environmental risk assessments for deep-sea sponge conservation

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REFERENCE Thompson, T; Fuller, SD (2020). FAO. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3859806. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Reducing the impacts of deep-sea bottom fishing in the high seas on non-target and associated and dependent species, including vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) is an important element of an ecosystem-based … Read More

A Pictorial Guide to the Epibenthic Megafauna of Orphan Knoll (northwest Atlantic) Identified from In Situ Benthic Video Footage

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REFERENCE Wudrick, A; Beazley, L; Culwick, T; Goodwin, C; Cárdenas, P; Xavier, J; Kenchington, E (2020). Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. https://zenodo.org/record/3835865. ABSTRACT In 2010, Fisheries and Oceans Canada led a multidisciplinary oceanographic research mission onboard the Canadian Coast … Read More

Mapping benthic ecological diversity and interactions with bottom-contact fishing on the Flemish Cap (northwest Atlantic)

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REFERENCE Murillo, FJ; Kenchington, E; Koen-Alonso, M; Gijarro, J; Kenchington, TJ; Sacau, M; Beazley, L; Rapp, HT (2020). Ecological Indicators. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106135. ABSTRACT The ecological diversity of benthic invertebrates from bottom trawl surveys was mapped for the Flemish Cap, a plateau … Read More

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