7 December 2020. Ocean Best Practices Newsletter: Where Animal Tracking Meets Sponges

29 April 2019. Horizon Magazine: Interview - Sponges and corals: Seafloor assessments to help protect against climate change

24 October 2018. The Chronicle Herald: Interview and video - Just off Nova Scotia's coast, Russian Hat sponges shrug off climate change

19 October 2018. LCI website: Le plus vieil animal connu sur Terre serait une... éponge de mer ! (mais elle ne s'appelle pas Bob) (for a list of ca. 30 other media outlets that provided coverage to this news, check here).

15 October 2018. EurekAlert website: Oldest evidence for animals found by UCR researchers

15 October 2018. Upsala Nya Tidninq website: Djur fanns långt tidigare än man trott (in Swedish)

15 October 2018. Upsala University website: Fossiler av kemiska föreningar bekräftar att djur funnits längre på jorden (in Swedish)

31 August 2017. Bristol University website: Underwater expedition ties together physical, chemical and biological impacts of melting ice sheets

28 April 2017. Uppsala University website: Delving deep into sponge ecosystems

16 February 2017. ICBM auf See: About microbiomes, public deep-sea viewing and breakfast...

1 September 2016. CBC News: Scientists gather in Darthmouth to study deep-sea sponges

14 June 2016. Deep-Sea Life: Shedding light on deep-sea SponGES

7 June 2016. La Nueva España: Baño de esponjas

2 June 2016. European Commission/EASME News: How to invest in our oceans

21 April 2016. University of Bergen News: Marine project gets millions in funding from the EU

19 April 2016. Bristol University News: Bristol researcher joins new deep-sea ecosystem study

19 April 2016. Bristol University, Cabot Institute News: Bristol researcher joins new deep-sea ecosystem study